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Technical Jargon – Cold-form Steel Trusses – Design Parameters of Bridging, bracing, support
- Review the truss design to determine the location of all
required permanent braces. - Review all load cases used in the truss design to determine the maximum axial force in each truss member that
requires permanent bracing. - Determine the design force required for each line of lateral bracing. The design force should be equal to a minimum of 2 percent of the member axial force.
- Design the top chord lateral and diagonal bracing. The
diagonal braces shall be designed to transfer the cumulative
force from the lateral braces to the exterior walls, or other
load resisting element. - Design of top chord lateral and diagonal bracing, connections to truss and anchorage. Anchorage shall be to the roof
or ceiling diaphrams or anchored at the ends to a solid wall
or member. - Design the bottom chord lateral and diagonal bracing in a
manner similar to the top chord bracing system. - Design the web lateral bracing, connections to truss and
anchorage. Anchorage shall be to the roof or ceiling diaphragm or anchored at the ends to a solid wall or other member.
Note: Construction bracing installed at the time the trusses
were erected may be used for permanent truss bracing as
applicable. All members and connections must be capable
of resisting the permanent design loads.